We have many low-income individuals throughout the city and in every state. As a society, we should take responsibility for doing whatever it takes to reduce and even eliminate this cancer on our society. The Mobile Salon Project has taken it upon itself to create a program delivering services like haircuts and hairstyles to the underprivileged and low-income individuals in our cities and states and also taking donations such as canned goods, clothes and even gift cards to help those in need…
Through the years, we have come across many people who are simply not trustworthy or deserving of your hard-earned charity. We have a process that distinguishes the truly worthy from the individuals who are quite frankly scamming people out of their monies and their donations. We will get your donations to those who deserve it.
Who are we Helping?:
These are our neighbors. Our friends and even our families that are considered “Low Income” and can not afford all the necessary items of decent human living we all have grown accustomed to seeing. These people suffer because they are a part of the “Have Nots”. We can change that. We can take them out of that category by simply lending them a helping hand. Starting with the one of Self Improvement.
How are we Helping?:
By improving the appearance of people, that builds self-esteem and the desire to do and be better. All of our mobile salons are equipped with donation centers on board where concerned citizens and cherished donors are able to give and donate anything from monies and gift cards to physical items like clothing and makeup. Collecting right from any one of our mobile salon buses makes it very easy for any of us to lend a helping hand and donate directly to our fellow man. The Mobile Salon Project prides itself on interviewing and sifting through the many individuals that come through our doors to find those deserving of your valuable donations.
Why are we Helping?:
Helping low-income individuals in our communities will help build our communities. We all know that when people Look Good, they Feel Good and when they Feel Good, they Do Good. Therefore, you will be building a new Society of honest hard working individuals just by donating to a program that aims to make this world a better place by starting with making this world a Better Looking Place.
Let’s Give to The Mobile Salon Project Today to Better our Future for Tomorrow.
Fill in this Form to Donate to HHH Charity
Low-Income Group Recognition Wall

We know you get Satisfaction from just the act of Giving and Donating itself, but we would just like to give you a little token of our appreciation to just say Thank You for Helping…
You can click on the Link Here to see all the REWARD GIFTS and the LEVELS 1 through 10 that dictate what Reward Gifts you will get for your Donations…